Forex Brokers Regulation - Part Three

The difference Between NFA (National Future Association) And FSA (Financial Services Authority)

NFA [National Future Association]:
To Be Able To Register in NFA you must have the following:

1. Your Brokerage Firm Based in United State

2. Working in Futures

These two rules are basically must be there to be able to regulate with NFA

FSA [Financial Services Authority]:
To be able to register with The FSA your brokerage firm must be exist & based in United Kingdom

Question: I have a brokerage Firm in United Kingdom. Can I register with NFA?
Answer: No You Can't. But If you have branches in USA you can do it

Question: I have a brokerage Firm in USA. Can I register with FSA?
Answer: No You Can't

Forex Broker Regulation - Part Two

Difference Between Regulated And Complying

The Most Common Question that traders ask brokers is:

"Are You Regulated by NFA?"
"Are You Regulated by FSA?"
"Are You Regulated by CFTC?"
"Are You Regulated by SEC?"
"Are You Regulated by SIPC?"
"Are You Regulated by FINRA?"
"Are You Regulated by Mr.X?" :)

No, Don't Ask this question because there are many fictions regulations. Don't Be The Fish!
The Right Action to take is to compare between the rules and restrictions of the regulatory associations and the rules that the broker follow.

Complying With FSA means that this broker working in the regulation process and follow all the rules that the regulatory body has.

Regulated By FSA means that this broker already regulated by FSA & may Follow the rules.

NFA, FSA, CFTC, SIPC, SEC, .....etc all of these associations are private sectors in the origin. The Main Aim is to Collect as much brokers as they can to increase from their popularity beside the governmental associations
Do You Know that FSA, NFA or others charge Millions Of Dollars to authorize the regulation of brokers. All these money are distributed as following;
1- Part For The Tax Authority
2- Part For The Private Sector
3- Part For Governmental Sector
Some Brokers Play with these rules after paying all of these parts and it's time for scamming.

Forex Broker Regulations - Part One

What good is forex broker that you can trade and make money with, but when it comes time to take your money, they don't give it to you, because they don’t have it?

Forex Broker Bust Story. Refco was the biggest forex broker that was worth around $4 billion dollars. In October of 2005, Refco shut down its operations and every trader who had money with them got screwed big time.

Refco was regulated and for some time they were spending not only their profits but also deposits of their clients.
The amounts of money that traders saw on their trading platforms and the amounts of money Refco had in their bank accounts were different by $400 million.

So when the news hit the wire that Refco is running at such deficit, traders panicked and started asking for withdrawals. The only problem was that Refco was $400 million short of what it owed to traders.

There was a trial of course, and whatever assets the company had the court ordered to distribute among traders. I knew some people that had money with Refco. As far as I remember, after all assets were sold they got around 10% of what was owed to them. That means if person had $10,000 in his trading account, he got only $1,000 of it.

SigmaForex LTD Regulations

SigmaForex LTD Registrations And Regulations

SigmaForex LTD is leading European professional online trading Brokers registered in the United Kingdom and most of the EU countries.

What is meaning by registered?

Registered means that there is a company called SigmaForex LTD inside united kingdom & registered by United Kingdom Law & follow the governmental rules.

SigmaForex LTD registered & follows the governmental rules in United Kingdom and anyone can check that by visiting this official website: this is a UK governmental website. this is the full link where you can find SigmaForex LTD with the registration number.

SigmaForex LTD Regulations:

SigmaForex LTD working now to be regulated with FSA (United Kingdom Financial Service Authority) but now SigmaForex LTD is complying with FSA and many financial authorities like NFA, CFTC, FSC and others.

Why SigmaForex LTD not working in the regulation of NFA?

Most of Traders ask this question and it's a common question for any broker. Here's the answer; NFA (National Future Association) regulate the Financial Companies that based in United State and have Future Trading. SigmaForex LTD not inside United State and doesn't has Future Trading. But NFA rules are compatible with the rules that SigmaForex are following and you can check with your self.

Complying: Means that this company follows the rules 100% and meet their regulatory obligations efficiently.

Dear Trader, you must be involved and know the difference between FSA and NFA. Many Forex Brokers inside united State not regulated by NFA because they don't work with Future Trading but they are complying with them & follow the same rules as the Forex broker that regulated with NFA.

SigmaForex Answers Your Questions.

SigmaForex Answers You!

Question: Is SigmaForex Partner with FXCM?

Question: Is SigmaForex Partner with North Finance?

Question: Is SigmaForex Partner With Interbankfx?

Answer: For Sure SigmaForex is an independent broker.

Question: Why I see in the statement of SigmaForex Another broker.

Answer: Because you don't follow the instructions of Meta Trader 4

Question: What are these instructions?

Answer: 1st You have to make sure that your new installation is separated from the other installations that already exist.

Question: Please, open a channel of understanding for me

Answer: Tell You What?!

Look there is a problem in Meta Trader which is that most of brokers are using it as a trading station. Also most of traders are using it without any suffer because it's so easy & so simple while trading.

SigmaForex Released Meta Trader 4

Strange and unbelievable!

Meta Trader 4 has the option that you can enter more than type of account for different brokers through the same platform.

For Example If you installed SigmaForex Platform, you will find in your drive C: / the following Pass: [C:\Program Files\MetaTrader – SigmaForex]

If you installed another Meta Trader 4 for another broker a conflict can be occurred because 2 Meta Trader 4 but for different Brokers.

Let's continue our example with another broker like FXCM or Interbankfx or Swiss Global Broker. All of them are using Meta Trader 4 as trading station. Let's Install FXCM Software.

You will find this pass in your Drive C:/ [C:\Program Files\FXCM Trader 4]

N.B: Some Versions of windows copy the same folders while installing the same version of the software

That you may find FXCM installed inside SigmaForex & this one from the disadvantage in Meta Trader 4 & Meta Quote published this issue in their FAQs to be available for Traders to solve the issue.

The Solution is to open the platform that you are using e.g.: SigmaForex. Then Open a folder called Config. [C:\Program Files\MetaTrader - SigmaForex\config]

You have to erase All SRV files for other brokers & just leave SigmaForex-Demo.svr and SigmaForex-live.svr

And here's the post of the Meta quote from their website:

"Client terminal allows you to connect to any MetaTrader 4 Server. If you connected to another company's server from your client terminal, the parameters of that connection were stored in a special configuration SRV file in the "\MetaTrader 4\config\" folder of the client terminal.

To remove foreign servers from the server list of your client terminal, just go to the "\MetaTrader 4\config\" folder of the client terminal and delete the unnecessary SRV files."

Controversy between SigmaForex and InterBank FX

Conflict between SigmaForex and InterBank FX

Confusions seem to be endless with technical programs. As a result of using MetaTrader4 program, many intersections between different platforms occur.

Applying this fact between SigmaForex platform and that of InterBank FX, while installing any of them.

InterBank FX MetaTrader4: After installing InterBank FX MetaTrader4 you will find the extension

[C:\Program Files\Interbank FX Trader 4\config]

Open the folder that called "config" you will find InterBank FX Demo.srv and InterBank FX -Live.srv

SigmaForex also have the same Forex Software but under their name Meta Trader 4.

Let's run the setup of this software & go the same extension again [C:\Program Files\MetaTrader - SigmaForex\config], Open also [C:\Program Files\InterBank FX Trader 4\config]

The Same Folders, The Same Software make some version of windows rewrite the files in these folders with different names.

The Result:

That you will be able to be connected with two kinds of servers through one program!

Controversy between SigmaForex and FXCM

Conflict between SigmaForex and FXCM

Let's Do It Again Using SigmaForex and FXCM (Forex Capital Market)

MetaTrader4 is mostly used among brokers because it is so simple in use & easier for new traders in Forex market, and more accurate.

There are many advantages for this Forex Software but as we know that there is no perfectness without drawbacks; so, one of the most known drawbacks of Meta Trader4 that there is conflict in SRV files in its configuration.

For An Example:

FXCM Meta Trader 4: After installing FXCM Meta Trader4, you will find in C:/ driver a folder named Program Files

C:\Program Files\FXCM Trader 4 this is the extension of the FXCM Meta trader 4

Open the folder that called "config" you will find FXCM-Demo.srv and FXCM-Live.srv

SigmaForex also have the same Forex Software but under their name Meta Trader 4.

I want you to run the setup of this software & go the same extension again [C:\Program Files\MetaTrader - SigmaForex\config], Open also [C:\Program Files\FXCM Trader 4\config]

The Same Folders, The Same Software make some version of windows rewrite the files in these folders with different names

The Result:

That you will be able to be connected with two kinds of servers through one program!

SigmaForex | Intersection between MetaTrader4 Programs

Intersection between MetaTrader4 Programs

As you know that MetaTrader4 used widely among brokers because it is so simple in use & more easy for new traders in Forex market.

There are many advantages for this Forex Software but as we know that there is no advantages without disadvantages; so, one of the most disadvantages in Meta Trader4 that there is conflict in SRV files in its configuration.

For An Example:

FXCM Meta Trader 4: After installing FXCM Meta Trader4, you will find in C:/ driver a folder named Program Files

C:\Program Files\FXCM Trader 4 this is the extension of the FXCM Meta trader 4

Open the folder that called "config" you will find FXCM-Demo.srv and FXCM-Live.srv

SGB (Swiss Global Broker) also have the same Forex Software but under their name Meta Trader 4.

I want you to run the setup of this software & go the same extension again [C:\Program Files\Swiss Global Broker\config], Open also [C:\Program Files\FXCM Trader 4\config]

The Same Folders, The Same Software make some version of windows rewrite the files in these folders with different names

The Result:

That you will be able to be connected with two kinds of servers through one program!

US Dollar: The One Correlation that Hasn’t Faded (Yet)

The sell-off in the Dow, the rebound in oil prices and weaker economic data drove the US dollar lower against every major currency except for the New Zealand dollar. Leading indicators dropped for the second month in a row, as stock prices plunge and unemployment rises.

Even though Bank of America reported better than expected earnings today, the rally in the stock market is running out of gas. US Treasury Secretary Paulson and Fed President Plosser are scheduled to speak about the economy tomorrow and it may difficult for them to avoid acknowledging the deteriorating outlook for the US economy. Whether or not the dollar will continue to slide will be largely dependent upon the moves in equities and oil since the US economic calendar is devoid of any significantly market moving data. Meanwhile, for currency traders, the most interesting article in today’s Wall Street Journal is the one about volatility in the financial markets causing trading relationships to be in flux.
This article examines some of the correlations that we talk about regularly, between USD/JPY and stocks or the EUR/USD and oil. The premise of this article is that these correlations may be fading, even though USD/JPY has traded in sync with the Dow today while the positive correlation between the EUR/USD and oil prices remain intact. Correlations run hot and cold and even though the Wall Street Journal Article may have a point, there will always be times when correlations are strong and weak.
The one correlation that has remained intact so far is between USD/JPY and the December Fed Fund futures contract. Since March, the correlation between these two assets has been more than 90 percent. This tells us that the US dollar has been trading almost entirely based upon the market’s expectations for the Federal Reserve moves this year. Back in March, USD/JPY plummeted below 100 when Fed fund futures priced in steeper rate cuts.
By June, the greenback recovered impressively against the Yen as oil prices surged forcing Fed fund futures to price in the possibility of rate hike before the end of the year. Interestingly enough, the correlation between the December Fed fund futures contract and the EUR/USD has been approximately zero between March and July.
 The reason why the correlation is strong for USD/JPY but nonexistent for the EUR/USD is simple; everyone knows that Japan can not alter interest rates despite their economic conditions while the outlook for Eurozone rates remains uncertain. In contrast, weaker conditions in Japan have already been priced into the market, but no one knows for sure if the Eurozone will skirt a recession or whether the European Central Bank will deliver another rate hike this year.

Why Did EUR/JPY Hit a Record High?

The Euro hit a record high against the Japanese Yen in the early US trading session. The primary reason why the currency pair has rallied 11 percent over the past 3.5 months is because of US growth - not many people realize that the price action of EUR/JPY is directly correlated with how the US economy is faring. According to this EUR/JPY chart, there is a strong correlation between manufacturing ISM and EUR/JPY.

The arrows on the chart point to the times when manufacturing ISM had a meaningful dip below the 50 boom / bust level. This has happened more than 7 times over the past 20 years and each time the US manufacturing sector contracted, EUR/JPY rallied. On average, from the month that ISM contracted to the month that ISM moved back above 50, EUR/JPY rallied 314 pips.

Euro Edges Higher on Hawkish Comments and Dollar Weakness

The Euro edged higher today on US dollar weakness and hawkish ECB comments. Draghi is the latest ECB member to warn that surging oil has increased inflation risks. Central bank officials are not giving up on their hawkish monetary policy even though growth is clearly slowing.
 The German IFO report is the marquee event on the Eurozone calendar this week. With Eurozone industrial production falling by the largest amount in a single month since 1992, it is hard to believe that German business confidence improved. Meanwhile Swiss economic data was slightly better than expected with producer prices beating expectations and the real estate index of family homes edging higher. The Swiss trade balance is due for release tomorrow. The market expects weaker global growth to weigh on export demand.

Canadian Dollar Rallies Ahead of Retail Sales

The Canadian dollar has strengthened ahead of its retail sales report tomorrow. The strong rise in wholesale sales suggests that consumer spending should have been strong. The recovery in oil prices is also helping. The New Zealand dollar was the only the currency to lose value against the greenback today. The overriding fear in the markets right now is that the Reserve Bank will make dovish comments following their monetary policy meeting this week. Visitor arrivals and credit card spending was weak in June, pointing to weaker consumer spending last month. The Australian dollar on the other hand edged higher as stronger vehicle sales offset softer producer prices.